Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lots o' Pictures!

Instead of lots of text today, I'm going to share lots of pictures.  Here's what we've been up to!

This sign is outside our elevator...can you spot the problem?

Working on the abs and obliques...Jason wants to get one of these machines (coincidentally, these are for training skiers...apparently, you're supposed to stand on the black cushion and balance as you slide from side to of the many ways the folks at KKI adapt other types of equipment to fit their needs).

A little aquatherapy

While we spent the first week at KKI, Savannah was with Danny and Gail.  She spent a lot of time working on puzzles.

She helped with yard was unseasonably warm last week.

And got some good quality time with Grandma.

When she returned to Baltimore, she was SO excited to go to the aquarium!

Not the best picture of us...

Dolphin show

A day away with Mimi and Aunt the American Girls store!

Very excited about her new puppy.

Port Discovery Children's Museum

Play date with an East Coast friend!

Lunch at KKI

KKI has a great area with toys for kids...including a playroom with free childcare (for children over 3 years old)

Savannah wanted to go on the historic ships in the harbor, so off we went.  It's MUCH colder this week!

After the boats, we went to the top of Baltimore's World Trade Center.  We're a long way from home!

Tomorrow is Jason's last PT session at KKI.  He'll get his home program information and we'll schedule our next visit.  We're also hoping to get in a morning visit to the aquarium.  We fly back to CA on Saturday morning! 

Hope you all are well!

Lots of love,

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